honoring our veterans: An arc one practice

Arc One hires veterans

Honoring Our Brave Veterans
At Arc One Protective Services, we have a strong commitment to honoring and commemorating our country's brave veterans. We recognize the immeasurable sacrifices they have made to protect and defend our nation from foreign threats. As we reflect on their selfless dedication, we are reminded of the essential role they play in ensuring our country remains a free country. We understand that their service is what allows us to enjoy the liberties we often take for granted. For this, we are forever grateful.

We think it’s an important time in our world’s history. We see wars waging overseas, while our own border is open. It’s very important for every American, regardless of race, religion, or creed, to acknowledge the sacrifices our veterans have made, and how lucky we are to be living in the freest country in the world.

In America, we often feel a sense of relative safety, safe in a country that prides itself on freedom and security. However, our safety is not always guaranteed. From shocking mass shootings to disturbing hate crimes and terrorist attacks on our own soil, we are reminded that danger can strike here, too.

But it is not only the military that keeps us safe. Law enforcement agencies and private security companies play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of our citizens and businesses. They work tirelessly to deter, detect, and apprehend potential threats, providing a visible presence that brings comfort to the public. While we appreciate the efforts of our brave protectors, we must also remain vigilant and accountable for our own safety.

In October 2023, more firearm sales took place in America than ever before. Americans are waking up to the aforementioned threats, and arming themselves to feel protected. It is through the collective effort of everyone – soldiers, law enforcement, private security, and informed, trained citizens – that we can strive to keep America safe.

Employment of Veterans At Arc One Protective Services
The security industry is often a natural step for veterans transitioning from military service. It provides them with an avenue to continue serving their country and protecting American citizens from a wide range of threats. At Arc One Protective Services, we proudly employ many veterans as security practitioners.

Our veteran security officers bring with them a wealth of experience, discipline, and unparalleled dedication to keeping civilians safe. They have undergone rigorous training and possess a unique understanding of the importance of safety and protection. By hiring veterans (along with former law enforcement and experienced security practitioners), we ensure that our clients benefit from the expertise and commitment of these exceptional men and women.

By working with Arc One, our veterans continue to defend their country against domestic terrorism. Though in a different context, they understand the significance of their roles in upholding the safety and security of our communities. This determination to keep fellow Americans safe is incredible, and we are privileged to have them as part of the Arc One Protective Services family.

Here at Arc One, we honor our veterans and their service. Without their sacrifices, the freedoms we hold dear would be at risk. We express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering dedication to our great nation. Thank you veterans!

If you are a veteran or know a veteran looking for employment in the security industry, check out our Opportunities page. We’d love to interview them!


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