The Benefits And Responsibilities Of Hiring Armed Security Guards

Armed Security Guard

If you’re at all in tune with the news or the security industry, you're well aware that over the last few years security is a major concern for individuals, businesses, and organizations. With the increasing rate of crime and threats, it has become essential to take extra measures to ensure the safety and protection of people and property. One of the ways to achieve this is by hiring armed security guards. Armed security guards are trained security practitioners who are licensed to carry firearms and provide a higher level of security and protection. In this article, we will explore the benefits and responsibilities of Arc One Protective Services’ armed officers.

Benefits of Hiring Armed Security Officers: 

1. Deterrence of Crime: The presence of armed security officers acts as a deterrent to criminals. Knowing that there are trained professionals who can respond to any threat with force can discourage potential criminals from targeting your premises or property. 

2. Immediate Response: Armed security officers are trained to react swiftly and effectively in emergency situations. They can handle threats and provide an immediate response to any security breach, minimizing potential damage or harm. 

3. Enhanced Security: Armed security officers offer a higher level of security compared to unarmed guards. Their ability to carry firearms gives them an advantage in dealing with armed intruders or dangerous situations. This ensures better protection for individuals, businesses, and organizations.

 4. Protection of Assets: Armed security officers are responsible for safeguarding valuable assets, such as vehicles, cash, jewelry, and important documents. Their presence can prevent theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access, ensuring the safety of your assets. 

5. Peace of Mind: Hiring armed security officers provides peace of mind for individuals, employees, and customers. If people are scared to enter your business or event, you’re not going to be successful. Fear is a powerful motivator in today’s world, and removing fear from your ideal target audience is one of the best ways you can ensure your company survives.  

Knowing that there are trained professionals on-site to handle any security threats or emergencies can create a sense of safety and reassurance, not just for your clients, but for you, the owner.

Responsibilities of Armed Security Guards: 

1. Patrolling and Surveillance: Armed security officers are responsible for patrolling the premises to detect any signs of suspicious activity or potential threats. They can also use surveillance equipment, such as CCTV cameras, to monitor the area and ensure the safety of the surroundings. For most situations, physical patrols are implemented.

2. Access Control: Armed security officers control access to the premises by checking identification, verifying credentials, searching bags, and maintaining visitor logs. They ensure that only authorized individuals are allowed entry and prevent unauthorized access. 

3. Emergency Response: Armed security guards are trained to immediately respond to emergencies, such as fire, medical incidents, or security breaches. They provide first aid, coordinate with emergency services, and take necessary actions to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of individuals. Arc One officers are highly trained in emergency response and have Stop The Bleed certifications.

4. Incident Reporting: Armed security officers are responsible for documenting and reporting any incidents, accidents, or security breaches that occur during their shifts. This includes writing detailed reports and maintaining accurate records for future reference and investigation. In addition, it includes working with local law enforcement to file reports and aid in investigations.

5. Customer Service: Along with their security responsibilities, armed security officers often provide customer service. They assist visitors, answer queries, and provide information about the premises or organization they are guarding.

In conclusion, hiring armed security practitioners offers several benefits, including deterrence of crime, immediate response to threats, enhanced security, protection of assets, and peace of mind. These trained professionals are responsible for patrolling, surveillance, access control, emergency response, incident reporting, and customer service. By hiring armed security guards, individuals, businesses, and organizations can ensure a higher level of security and protection in today's world.


The comedy club that knows the importance of private security.


“Private security is going to take over everything”…how a time magazine article misrepresented the industry.